This list is a compilation of names from the Dreux yearbooks and are students and faculty/staff that attended Dreux which we haven't located yet. While we may have an email address on someone, I am still listing them as "address unknown" if we don't have a mailing address/telephone for them. If anyone knows the whereabouts of anyone on this list or if you have any information at all, even an old address, please let me know (VickiK3275@aol.com) **Note: At the bottom of this page is the "Found, but Lost Again" list. These are people whose contact information we had at one time, but the information is no longer valid. If you know the whereabouts of any of those listed, please email me at the address listed above!
As of 9/2/2024
1961 All '61 alumni have been located
1962 Clark, Barbara 61 Douglass, Robert Hedgepath, Robert 61 Morris, Stephen S. 61 Tuorila, Warren David 61 (have email)
1963 Bailey, Robert 62 Fowle, Bernie 61 Groves, Weldon K 61 (have email) Johnson, Thomas 62 Kennedy, Albert 61 Smith, Ronald Wightman, Patricia Ann (have email)
1964 Anderson, Robert Alan Bailey, Timothy 62 Bayer, Timothy 62 Burns, Lawrence
62 Cutler, Phyllis 6162 (have email) Edwards, Tom 61 Fox, Regina 6263 Fuerst, Carol
Sue Gibson, Sandra 62 Hill, Michael 62 Johnson, Karen 63 Marroquin, Irma 616263 (have email) Marshall, Danny 62 Matthews, Donna Ann Nelson, Robert 6263 Parking, John 61 Prieto, David 62 Ritter, Donald Smith, Jerry 61 Stephenson, James Edward 6364 Stephenson, Pamela 62 Taylor, Jimmy 61 Weaver, Timothy 61 Wolf, Judith
1965 Adams, Donald 62 Arnold, William 64 Bates, Charles 62 Bell, Gail 64 Calhoun, Pat 64 Caudill, Robert
63 Cook, John 62 Cox, Phyllis 62 Curtis, George 62 Elliot, Shirley (Kay) 6263 Erickson, Lorraine 63 (have brother's contact info) Ferry, Bruno Raymond Fraser, Gary 62 Harris, Michael 6263 Hart, Teresa 64 Holloway, Terri 63 Hubbard, Dave 64 Hudson, Rex 63 (have brother's contact info) Jack, James 62 (have sister's contact info)Jackson, Brenda 6263 Johnson, Bonita 64 (have sister's contact info) Knight, Patricia 626364 Lee, Frank 6263 Martin, Jean Alana McCue, Kathleen 6263 (have email)Minich, Janet '62 Moffatt, John 6263 (have email)Montgomery, Charlotte 6263 Napier, Pat 64 Nicholas, Robert 62 Nichols, Barbara 64 (have email)Nichols, James 63 Niemela, Jay 63 (have email)North, Loretta 6263 ONeill, Ron 64 Payne, Daisy A. (have sister's contact info) Segerstrom, Richard 64 Shake, Donald 64 Slack, Cheryl 62 Smith, Lynne Stewart, Judy "Angel" 6263 Teets, Roy 62 Thomas, Deborah 62 Wallace, Kenneth 63 Webb, Valerie 626364 (have email) Wightman, Larry 63 (have sister's email) Wood, Diana Renee
1966 Anderson, Linda 64 Babauta, Maria Camacho Bell, Christine Cantrell, Gary 63 Crittendon, James 63 Egan, John 63 Fairbanks, Jeff 6364 Gonzales, Pamela 63 Gray, Valerie 6364 Green, David 64 Hammond, John 63 Holman, Gary 64 Knox, James 64 Martin, Gail 64 McBride, Robert 63 Nelson, Bob Rosado, Nilda 64 (have brother's contact info) Shepard, Suzanne 63 Smith, Greg 64 Smith, Kurt 64 Snelgrove, Brenda 63 Spencer, Sherrie 6364 Thornton, Patricia 64 Wilson, Sharon Louise "Sherry" Wright, Michael 64
1967 Anderson, Terry 64 Cashion, Ann Clay, Linda Collins, Donald Courtney, Kathy 64 Crowley, Mike Gerengher, David Gonzales, Ronald Grande, Robert 64 Grant, Susan 64 Hanon, Daun Hart, Edward 64 Kearns, Bonnie Maziliola, Linda '63 McKinnon, Douglas Miller, Bruce Miller, Robert 6364 Mosley, Dianne Noggle, Rebecca 64 North, Diana 64 Pierce, John 64 Pomeroy, Brett 64 Ragel, Dale Robertson, Robert 64 Sanders, James Thompson, Janice Tolbert, Cathy 64 Walker, Michael 64 Wallace, Michael 64 Williams, Hal Williams, Terry Winter, Thomas 64 Zerby, Robert
1968 Brochas, Paul Campbell, Bruce Clark, Debby Coleman, Jim Green, Dennis Green, Walter Hammond, Dorothy Harris, Stephen Knight, Greg Lighthill,
Larry (have email) Martin, Connie Middleton, Gail Montgomery, Ronald Moore, Jerry Nelson, Kristin O'Neill, Charlotte O'Neill, Harold Pierce, William
Porter, Ann Register, Peggy Robins, Joan Rose, Fred Rowe, Elizabeth Russel, Dave Sanders, Sandra Smith, Linda Stocks, Rosa Tabares, Luis Todd, Yolanda Mary (have email) Welsh, Gene Whisler, Peter Whitney, Gail (have email) Zank, Dennis
1969 Amees,
Robert DeLeo, Gary Dooley, Pat Felton, Bill Gilley, Larry Grise, Alexander Hearn, Jacqueline (have email) Herndon, William Jimenez, Hope Johnson, Fred Kilkelly, Kathleen (have sister's info) Knight, Kathy Lehmann, Christa Ortiz, Eladio (have brother's info) Parker, Ellen Parker, Keith Payne, Betty Sue Pelletier, Tony Posey, Pamela Reiss, Sharon (have email) Reiss, Stephen (have email) Robinson, Michael Russ, Donald Stark, Danielle Stewart, Diane Stewart, Karen Stewart, Pat Taylor, Sheila Turner, Sharon Wallace, Anita Whisler, Sandra Wilhelm, Ralph Wright, Ron Wright, Steve Class Unknown: Ammons,
Counselors/Staff: Chapman, William Cooper, Jerome Hanson, Tom Knopf, Joanne Livingston, Tom McCormick, Bernard Piwowarek, Jeanine M. Roche, Martha Shier, Betty Thomine, Jeanne D. Tindall, Carol Townley, Sharon Weismann, David J. Zerbib, Denyse
Carr, Walter '67 (LAON)
Hickey, Gail (Matthews)
Slater, Linda (Keough) '65 Younie, Ralph - Fac
Note: The years indicated out beside the name indicate the years attended, but did not graduate from Dreux. If no year is out beside the name, the person graduated from Dreux and may have attended several years. These names were compiled, for the most part, from copies of the yearbooks. If you see any errors on the report, please let me know (VickiK3275@aol.com) as there probably are some!! This page was last updated on Monday, September 02, 2024 |