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(click on image above)    

Complete our Dreux Alumni Survey
This survey is for all who attended Dreux - no matter when or how long!
It will help to provide us with bio content for the newsletters/website
and know more about your experiences at Dreux and after Dreux!

Dreux American High School was open from 1960-1967.  The first graduating class was 1961.  The school closed in January of 1967. 

We have a very active alumni association.  There have been 11 major reunions over the past 27 years, the last being held in March of 2022 in New Orleans, LA 

The next Reunion will be in 2025 - October 2-5, 2025 in St. Charles, MO (in conjunction with the Overseas Brats Gathering). 

We have found 1,500+ alumni, faculty and staff!!


Join Our Dreux AHS Mailing List
For Email Marketing you can trust

Or you can register by emailing the following information to Vicki Key
Your Name (include Maiden Name)
Year(s) you attended Dreux
Class Year
Current Address and Phone Number
Email Address
Alternate contact information: Work address, telephone number and email



NEWS ALERT:  (12/6/24)  Reunion News:  The next Dreux AHS All School/All Class Reunion will be held in conjunction with the Overseas Brats Gathering - October 2-5, 2025 in St. Charles, MO. More details to follow when available. Hope you can attend!

NEWS ALERT: (7/15/23)  Each of the Dreux yearbooks have now been saved as PDF files on the Yearbooks section of the website.  Hopefully they will be easier to look through!

NEWS ALERT: (6/11/23)  Check out the New Finds tab on our website.  Lots of new alumni have been located over the last 6 months. We are always looking for more former classmates!   

NEWS ALERT: (1/4/2023)  NOW is a great time to pay dues if you would like to officially join the Dreux AHS Alumni Association. Dues are based on a calendar year. Dues are $40 per year and you can pay for one year or multiple years. Click on the menu tab "Dues/Donations" on left side of this page to access information on how to pay dues. If you have already paid dues for 2023 (or multiple years), it will be noted on the Dues page.  We appreciate any and all support! 

NEWS ALERT: (10/12/2022) A Viking Cruise from Paris to Normandy and back is planned for October 10-17, 2024!  For details, click the "France 2024" menu tab on the left hand side of this page.  Space is limited, so make your reservations now! 

NEWS ALERT:  (4/5/2022)  What a great reunion in New Orleans last week!  Thanks for the hard work by Helen Council Miles '61, Marilyn Hutto Turner '62 and Sally Downing Thomas '64. They did a fantastic job in making the reunion a success!  To those that were able to attend, thank you for coming! It was great seeing you! To those that were not able to join us, we missed you!  

NEWS ALERT:  (2/5/2022)  There is still time to register for the Dreux AHS All School/All Class Reunion in New Orleans!  If you are interested to see who has already registered, visit the Reunion 2022 tab on the left side of this page.  We would love to see you there!

NEWS ALERT:  (1/13/2022)  The Reunion Committee decided to keep the Registration Fee for the 2022 Reunion at $250.00 rather than going up to $275.00 as originally planned.  So Register NOW to attend!  The Reunions are a lot of fun and we hope to see you there.  More information on the Reunion can be found by clicking the Reunion 2022 tab on the left of this page.  

NEWS ALERT: (6/6/2021)  Registration is now OPEN for the 2022 Dreux American HS All School/All Class Reunion. The Reunion will be held March 28-30, 2022 in New Orleans.  More information about the Reunion, including fees and how to make hotel reservations, can be found by clicking on the Reunion 2022 menu tab on the left side of this page.  

NEWS ALERT: (1/1/2021)  NOW is a great time to pay dues if you would like to officially join the Dreux AHS Alumni Association since dues are based on a calendar year. Dues are $40 per year and you can pay for one year or multiple years. We appreciate any and all support! 

Your dues help pay for the website, preparing and emailing the alumni newsletters, finding lost/missing alumni, maintaining current information in the alumni database, assisting with Reunion expenses, etc.  If you would like to support our efforts, just go to the Dues Section of this website for more information.  As a thank you for your support through your dues payment, you will receive an electronic version of the most current DAHS Alumni Directory via email. 

NEWS ALERT: (10/8/2020) The 2021 Dreux Reunion has been postponed to 2022 due to the ongoing pandemic.  See the important message from Dreux Alumni Association President Paul Krausman by clicking on the Reunion 2021 tab on the left side of this page. If you had already made hotel reservations, please contact the hotel directly to make sure you reservations have been cancelled. 

NEWS ALERT: (April 2019) A big Thank You to everyone who was able to attend the 2019 Dreux AHS Reunion in San Antonio!  Even though our attendance numbers were down over recent reunions, it was A LOT of fun!  A HUGE thank you to everyone who worked hard to put together the great (and fun!) events for the Reunion.  It is a BIG job and we appreciate everyone who stepped up to volunteer!  Paul Krausman '64 was elected President of the Alumni Association.  As out-going President, another HUGE thank you to Charles Brantley for his leadership over the last several years.  He will continue on the Board as Immediate Past President. The Board will be working on determining dates/location for the next Reunion in 2021.  Helen Council Miles '61 has agreed to chair the Reunion Committee and Carol Hutto Krausman '64 will be helping as well.  So stay tuned!!   

NEWS ALERT: (1/4/2019)  If you register this month for the 2019 Reunion in San Antonio, you can save $25 on your reunion registration fee.  Payment must be made on or before January 31, 2019 to get the discounted rate.  See the Reunion 2019 page for details on how to register. Hope you will join us April 5-7, 2019 in San Antonio! 

NEWS ALERT: (1/4/2019)  A new edition of the DAHS Newsletter was emailed out this week.  If you did not receive one, I may not have your current email address.  To receive the newsletter, register by inputting your email address in the "Join Our Dreux AHS Mailing List" box above. 

NEWS ALERT: (7/15/2018) Registration is now OPEN for the 2019 Dreux American High School Reunion!  Click on the Reunion 2019 tab on the left side of the website for details. There is also a link on the Reunion 2019 page to make your hotel reservations. Remember, this is an all-class all-school Reunion!  You didn't have to graduate from Dreux to participate. So no matter how long you attended Dreux, everyone is welcome!!

NEWS ALERT: (5/5/2018)  SAVE THE DATE - April 5-7, 2019 - San Antonio, TX!  The next All Class Reunion for Dreux American High School is scheduled for April 5-7, 2019 in San Antonio.  Hotel will be the historic Drury Plaza Hotel San Antonio Riverwalk.  Hotel rates will be $159.99/night plus taxes. Mark Your Calendar NOW! Stay tuned for more details on how to make your hotel reservations to get the group rate.   

NEWS ALERT: (5/12/2017)  There is now a listing on this website of all of the Dreux alumni that we have found (including those that are deceased).  Just click on the button labeled "Located Alumni" on the menu bar.  No contact information is listed to protect the privacy of our alumni.  To obtain contact information, you can join the Alumni Association and receive, via email, an alumni directory. Dues information can be found on the Dues/Donations page of this website.

NEWS ALERT: (5/12/2017)  Be sure to check out who is attending the Reunion in a couple of week! Just click on the Reunion 2017 on the left and then click on the link to the list of attendees. It's NOT too late to Register!  If you have never been to a Reunion before, they are a lot of fun!  We welcome everyone, whether you actually graduated from Dreux or only attended for a semester or a year! Come join us!!

NEWS ALERT: (1/2/2017) NOW is a great time to pay dues to become a member of the Dreux AHS Alumni Association since Dues are based on a calendar year!  We appreciate any and all support!  Your dues help pay for the website, the newsletters, finding lost/missing alumni, maintaining the alumni database, assisting with reunion expenses, etc.  If you would like to support our efforts through paying Dues, just go to the Dues section of this website for more information. Dues paying members will receive the most current DAHS Alumni Directory as a thank you for your support.

NEWS ALERT: (8/24/16) 
Registration is now OPEN for the Dreux Reunion 2017!  You can pay your registration fee using a credit card through PayPal or you can pay by check by completing the registration form and mailing the form AND your check to our Treasurer. You can also make your hotel reservations now as well.  Click on the Reunion 2017 tab on the left side of this page for more information.  Hope to see you there!

NEWS ALERT: (4/3/16)   Dreux American High School All School Reunion - May 24-26, 2017 in Charleston, SC.  More details to follow and will be posted on the Reunion 2017 page of the website

NEWS ALERT:  (4/27/15) Updated list of Registered Attendees for the Reunion..click Here.  There is still time to register!  We would love to have you join us!

NEWS ALERT:  (4/21/15)  Click here to see the updated Reunion 2015 Schedule of Events - May 1-3, 2015 in San Antonio, TX

NEWS ALERT: (4/1/15)  The winner of auction for the 1964 Dreux Yearbook:  Charles Brantley '68 with a donation bid of $125

NEWS ALERT: (3/27/15)  If you plan to register for the Dreux Reunion by mailing in your Registration Form and Payment, please be advised that, starting today, the form has been changed to reflect an alternate address to send your form and payment.  The new form and info is available in the Reunion 2015 section of this website.

NEWS ALERT:  (3/5/2015)  Who would like a 1964 La Victoire Yearbook?  Former faculty member, Gloria Cline, has donated a 1964 Dreux Yearbook that we are auctioning off for the highest donation.
Click here for details and how it will work!  Bidding ends 12:Midnight (CST) March 31, 2015.

NEWS ALERT:  (1/16/2015) Early Bird Full Registration for the Dreux All Class/School Reunion - May 1-3, 2015 in San Antonio, TX ends February 1, 2015!  To take advantage of the discounted full registration, register now and save $25 per person.  This is only for those who are paying Full Registration and does not apply to those that may do partial registrations. After February 1st, full registration will go up to $225 per person.  Click on the Reunion 2015 tab on the left to register! 

NEWS ALERT:  (11/13/14)  Those wanting to get the Early Bird Rate for Full Registration for the Dreux AHS Reunion that will be May 1-3, 2015 in San Antonio, TX can now register!  You can either pay by credit card using Paypal or complete a registration form and send it along with your check.  To Register and find out more about the Reunion, click the "Reunion 2015" tab on the left side of this page. A tentative agenda for the Reunion has also been posted on the Reunion 2015 page.

NEWS ALERT: (9/21/14) - The latest Dreux AHS Newsletter was emailed out this morning!  So watch for it...you should get it sometime today.  Be sure to check your Spam Inbox as well just in case it gets thrown in there for some reason.  IF you do not receive it, please let me know.  I may not have your current email address OR you may have your spam filters set such that it rejects it. 

NEWS ALERT: (9/18/14)  Check out the Reunion 2015 page for updated details on the Dreux American HS Reunion which will be held May 1-3, 2015 in San Antonio, TX.  

NEWS ALERT: (4/19/14)  The complete version of all Dreux AHS Yearbooks have now been uploaded to the Yearbooks Section of the website.  The Class Photos have been on the site for quite some time, but now the other sections (i.e. Activities, Candid and Sports) have been added.  I copied each section into a Word Document and then saved it as a PDF file so you can scroll through it as opposed to how you access the class photo pages.  You will need Adobe Reader to view the newly uploaded sections of the yearbooks.

REUNION NEWS: (3/20/14) The Reunion Committee is planning to have the next Dreux AHS All School Reunion in 2015.  They are tentatively looking at either the last weekend in April or first weekend in May in San Antonio, TX.  Keep checking back for further details and confirmation of dates and location!

NEWS ALERT: (1/22/2014)
The January 2014 edition of the Dreux AHS Alumni Newsletter was sent out this week.  If you did not receive it, please be sure to check your spam or junk mail to make sure it didn't go there for some reason.  One feature included in this newsletter is a scanned copy of the VERY FIRST issue of Notre Viking dated October 22, 1960.  

Also, January is a great time to pay dues to become a member of the Dreux AHS Alumni Association since Dues are based on a calendar year!  We appreciate any and all support!  It helps pay for the website, the newsletters, finding lost/missing alumni, maintaining the alumni database, assist with reunion expenses, etc.  I hope you will consider support our efforts!  Just go to the Dues section of this website for more information.  Thanks!

NEWS ALERT: (10/27/13)
Ron Holland, brother of Shirley Holland '63, provided this great piece of film of the Dreux students getting ready to board the bus for the Prom at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. This was the Prom in '62 (61/62 school year). Bill McLeod of the Dreux Air Base Veterans Group has posted it on YouTube. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=PBytF-t4n5I

There are also some other links there as well regarding Dreux.  Check it out!

NEWS ALERT: (5/26/13)
It is with EXTREME sadness that I discovered that former Dreux Principal Ross Tipton passed away May 20, 2013.  He was 102 years old.  Mr. Tipton SO loved hearing from all former Dreux students over the years. He was the Principal at Dreux from the fall of 1964 until they closed the school in early 1967.  I have posted his obituary in the In Memoriam section of this website.

NEWS ALERT: (4/21/13)

Some veterans who were stationed at Dreux Air Base have just established a website for those veterans who were stationed at Dreux and/or those who lived there.  It just launched so I am sure they will be adding to it and tweaking it in the coming days.  The web address is http://www.dreuxairbasefrancememories.org  Be sure to check it out and make a comment on their their blog! 

I received the following email from Mr. Allen Dale Olson and wanted to pass it along in case you would like to participate:

"As a one-year administrator at Dreux High School (1962-63), I take great interest in the Dreux High School Alumni Association Newsletter. And as a senior administrator on the European Dependents Schools Directorate, I took special interest in Dreux and other U.S. installations in France  in 1967 while working on transferring school assets from France to the Benelux and Germany. To say nothing of my attachment to Dreux when my daughter was born there (in the Evreux Hospital) in December 1962.
It's on her behalf that I'm calling attention to the Museum of the American Military Family, a project she created just over two years ago. As you can see from the website -- www.museumoftheamericanmilitaryfamily.org -- there is a category called "School Stories." Your work with Dreux Alumni and my personal experience years ago tell me that the Dreux Family could have plenty of interesting and historic stories to add to the site.
Please take a look at the site with an eye to inviting your Newsletter readers to submit stories to our Museum. We are interested in photos, documents, memories, and any commentary related to military family life. If you have questions or seek additional information, please let me know.
I appreciate very much your devotion to keeping the spirit of Dreux High School alive, and I look forward to stories from Dreux students and faculty.
Allen Dale Olson

We had some Beer and Wine Glasses with the Dreux logo on them left over from Reunion 2013 in Orlando.  If you are interested in getting some of them, click here for who to contact for details.

2013 Dreux Reunion Photos! (2/18/13)
I have uploaded some photos from the 2013 Dreux Reunion in Orlando.  Click here to view the photos.  If you would like me to post any photos you took at the Reunion, please send them to me via postal mail on a CD.  Email me and I will give you the address.  Thanks to Charles Shellhorn for maintaining this site for our photos!

View our past Dreux AHS Newsletters!  (11/29/12)
In case you haven't received our Dreux AHS Newsletters via email or your email provider is blocking them for some reason, you can now read them online when they become archived. Just click on the link below.



If you have are any other ideas for articles in the newsletters, just shoot me an email. We will most likely feature the upcoming Reunion for the next few months, but after the Reunion I will be looking for news and stories!  If you would like to write an article for the newsletter, I welcome that as well. 

UPDATED 1/26/13: I am looking for copies of early "Notre Viking" newsletters or later called "The Viking Newsletter"  Thanks to Betty Taplin (Wood), I now have all of the newsletters from the 1960/61 school year, including the very first edition dated October 22, 1960!  I am specifically looked for the May 1962 and June 1962 newsletters, but any newsletters after that time would be really good too! If you have any of those tucked away anywhere, it would be wonderful if you would scan them and email them to me or make copies and send them via snail mail. Email me and let me know...Thanks!  

I am now using Constant Contact to format and send out the Dreux newsletters.  I think they look a lot more professional than just a regular email.  It is SO much easier for me to do it this way as I can send out the newsletters to everyone at the same time and don't have to blind copy. IF you did not receive it, let me know.  The email will still look like it came from me, so it should not have gone into your spam, but you might check your spam mail just in case.  You may need to put *@constantcontact.com in your address book. You may also need to make sure your spam filter allows emails from constantcontact.com so it doesn't block the email.  

You can now pay your DAHS Alumni Association Dues using a credit card through a special Pay Pal Account we have set up! See below:

Please select your payment option (number of years) using the drop down menu below and tell us your Class Year (i.e. what year you graduated even if you did not graduate from Dreux) and your Maiden name, if applicable. If you were Faculty/Staff, please select that option under "Class Year". Then click on the "Pay Now" button. You will be taken to the Paypal secure web site to complete the transaction using either a credit card or your Paypal account.

Class Year
Maiden Name, If Applicable:

Update on Guestbook (7/22/12):  I have added a new Guestbook.  As mentioned below, the company that provided our prior guestbook no longer supports it and it went away!  So please sign in and let us know you visited the website!

I have uploaded a link to our old Dreux Guestbook entries.  Guest Gear no longer provided the Guestbook that we were using. Fortunately they did send me the file of all of our prior guest book entries so I put it in the best format I could for those who would like to check it all the old entries. 

We now have 509 Dreux alumni as members of our Dreux American High School Group page on FACEBOOK! That number keeps growing!  Facebook has changed the format for Groups, so there has been LOTS of interaction going on now in the Group.  If you are a member of Facebook and not currently a member of our Dreux AHS group page, either search for the Group page using the Facebook Search feature and "Request to Join the Group" or send me (Vicki Key) a Friend Request and I can add you to the Group.  It is a closed group so that only those affiliated with Dreux can become members. 

DUES:  If you want to see if you are current on your Dues, click on the Dues/Directory button.  It should be up to date on those that have paid dues for 2013+.  If you would like to renew your Dues, there is a Dues Form on this website.  Click on the "Dues and Directories" tab on the left side of this page. We appreciate your support of our efforts in keeping everyone connected and finding alumni!

  Check out the Dreux American HS Alumni Page on Facebook!


Charles Sibert was stationed at Dreux Air Force Base from January 1960 until April of 1961 and has written about his assignment at Dreux (and Incirlik AFB, Turkey).  Lots of stories, memories and photos.  Thought you all might want to check it out.  Click here.

Check out the photos from Dreux that former Principal Ross Tipton provided and some other photos provided by Michel Guilmain who lives in the old housing area at Dreux and purchased the pictures from a former press photographer .  Click on the Photos button on the left side of this page. Do you see yourself in any of the photos?

Peter Giorgi, a former teacher at Dreux, passed away on September 6, 2009 in Tucson, AZ.  His obituary can be viewed on our "In Memoriam" page.

I have uploaded the class/faculty photo pages of the Dreux yearbooks on the website.  Click on the "Yearbooks" button on the left side of this page to access them.  The 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965 and 1966 Yearbook photos have been uploaded. There was not a yearbook for 1967 because the school closed at mid-year.

There are five (5) Dreux High School polo shirts (XXL only) left over from a prior Reunion.  If you are interested in purchasing one of them, please email Vicki Key.  Click here for info and photos of the shirt. UPDATE:  SOLD OUT! They went like hotcakes!

Did you know that there are 465+ Dreux alums/former faculty on Facebook!  We have set up a Dreux American High School Group on Facebook.  If you are a member of Facebook and I don't know it, please let me know.  It's a great way to locate old friends, get connected and stay in touch!  By the way, some of the women have put their maiden names as their middle names on Facebook and that is very helpful in letting your former classmates know that is you!

Donald Page, who was a Dorm Counselor at Dreux during the 61/62 and 62/63 school years, passed away May 31, 2008 in New Preston, CT.  He was married to Alice Duffy, who was also a Dorm Counselor at Dreux, for 44 years. You can view his obituary on our In Memoriam page.

I found an interesting article about Dave Hewitt '63 who attended Dreux during the 1960/61 school year.  In 2006, he was inducted into the TEC (Technology) Hall of Fame which recognizes those individuals whose careers have best exemplified excellence in professional audio production and design.  He joins other Hall of Famers such as George Lucas, Sam Phillips, Frank Zappa, Bob Moog, Ray Dolby and Quincy Jones, just to name a few.  Click here to read about his induction.  Congratulations, Dave!

Norman Schulz, Coach and Phys Ed teacher at Dreux in 1960/61 and 1961/62, passed away November 10, 2007. Click on his name in the "In Memoriam" section of the website to see his obituary.

Photos from the 2007 Reunion in Las Vegas are now available for viewing. Click here to access the site. Thanks to Charles Shellhorn for setting up the site and uploading the photos he received.  If you have pictures that you want included, please send them to Charles.

Coach John A. Manzoline passed away June 19, 2007 in Munising, Michigan. 

Mr. Cedric Hannon passed away on June 1, 2007.  His obituary was in the Seattle Times (6/5/07).  He was a teacher at Dreux and attended the 1995 Reunion in Las Vegas.  You can sign his guest book at www.eycfc.com, click on Obituaries and do a search using his name.

We learned that Dr. Marina Valenzuela-Smith passed away in November of 2005.  As most of you know that have attended prior Dreux Reunions, Ms. Valenzuela attended many of the Reunions, the last one being the 2004 Reunion in Atlanta.. She will certainly be missed!

Former Dreux teacher, Mr. Paul G. Francis passed away on January 6, 2007 in Palm Springs, Ca.  Click on his name in the "In Memoriam" section of this website to view his obituary.  You can also sign his guestbook until January 2008 at www.legacy.com by doing a search of his full name, Paul George Francis.

Be sure to check out the "Found, but Lost Again" section on the "Lost Alumni/Faculty" page of this website.  The section is located towards the bottom of the page.  These are people for whom we once had mailing addresses, but the addresses are no longer valid.  If you know the whereabouts of any of the folks, please email Vicki Key at VickiK3275@aol.com.

**Important**  If you use some sort of SPAM Blocker on your email, please be sure to allow receipt of mail from VickiK3275@aol.com . We don't want you to miss out on important information regarding Dreux alumni activities.

If your area code has changed in the last few years, please update us with the new one!  We are also trying to get as many email addresses as possible since that will be the primary method of communication on Dreux activities.  So please make sure you notify Vicki Key if you change email addresses!!

Become a member of the Dreux Alumni Association for $40/yr and not only will you be supporting YOUR Alumni Association to keep it active, but also the efforts of the Alumni Association in locating everyone and keeping everyone connected! For information on how to mail in your dues, please go to the Dues/Directories section of this website. A Dues Form is available on that page for your convenience.

Click here to read Memories of Dreux from former teacher, George Aune.  It's a great letter!.